Role of Tokens in the Ecosystem

The oneToken is closely connected to ONE's ecosystem, specifically with ONE's reward system. As already explained in the Bonus Points and Rewards section, ONE offers its users bonus points for actively using services in our app.

These bonus points can be exchanged within the app for oneToken to convert the accumulated points into attractive rewards. The conversion is dependent on the market price of the token to enable a fair distribution of tokens.

The bonus points are evaluated at the end of each month, the tokens are bought back from the market, and subsequently, the exchange rate for that month is determined. Our users then have the opportunity to claim their rewards in our app. If the points are not claimed within the given time frame (depending on the account package), they expire, thus increasing the value for every active participant in our rewards system.

The entire reward system is built upon the value of the token, which is why the use of the ONE App can directly be associated with the value of the oneToken. However, using our app does not require one to own any tokens. You can fully use our app for your IBAN transactions without needing any cryptocurrency functions.

At the same time, inexperienced individuals are learning how to handle cryptocurrencies and are being rewarded for it.

Last updated