💶Converting between crypto and fiat currencies

To be honest, there are always better and quicker approaches to buying cryptocurrencies. Exchanges offer payments via credit card, IBAN transactions, or even Paypal.

From our experience, however, we know that many people store their fiat balances (for example, Euros) in a traditional bank account, and when they need cryptocurrencies, a transaction marathon begins.

First, the money has to be transferred to an exchange or purchased directly to the wallet with a Fiat On-Offramp. Firstly, every transfer carries the risk of errors that can occur, and secondly, the fees are not to be disregarded. In addition, the time factor should not be neglected. On most exchanges, it takes a few days until your money is available to buy cryptocurrencies. By then, the value of the cryptocurrency you want could have dramatically changed.

To nip this problem in the bud, we decided to build the only truly sensible alternative.

FIAT and Crypto in one app

Through our IBAN account, which is secured just like a "normal" bank account and offers all the functions, it is no longer necessary to keep an account with your "local bank". Here, we are working on advertising campaigns to inform people that expensive account packages with their local bank should simply no longer be the current solution.

Thanks to the introduction of IBAN accounts, it doesn't matter in which country you have your account. Transfers cost just as little to a Swedish IBAN as they do to one in Germany or Austria.

Achieving this rethink is one of the biggest challenges for ONE. However, we will first target a younger audience who are more open to it. Here, the app is the critical point - it needs to be so simple that everyone understands it immediately. After discussions with pensioners, the main argument is that they don't want to change their habits anymore. But what if we actually implemented really exciting features for, say, older people? The answer is, if it's truly straightforward and they see an advantage in it, even older people will give up their existing account and switch to ONE.

For that, a brief comparison

Many can still remember the introduction of mobile phones, and many older people resisted the switch for a long time. By now, almost every retiree owns a smartphone and has come to appreciate the entertainment and communication possibilities it offers. The future will be the same in the field of finance.

Last updated